MF 366

Hello there! My GitHub name is MF366-Coding but feel free to call me MF366 (my usual nickname)...


Programming Languages & Tools
What I've been doing
  • I have been an avid programmer in Python, a language in which I feel increasingly comfortable. I have developed several projects in this language, of which I will tell you in more detail below.
  • I'm also learning to program in Lua but... I'm still very early :-)
  • I played many games, such as Deltarune, Undertale, Doom 64, Super Mario 64 and many, many others...


In addition to my desire to create and program, I also have other interests. For example:

  • I like to read
  • I love music, especially metal
  • I enjoy playing games
  • I like to create videos and stream ocasionally
  • I like to talk to my friends
