Writer Classic


Made in Python by MF366, WriterClassic is a plain text editor, a great alternative to Notepad or gedit. Simple, powerful and lightweight. It's WriterClassic!

Choose your own settings, themes, font types and sizes.

It's your text editor, anyway!


Python / default version

The Python version (source code) of WriterClassic is developed as a one-person project and is intended to run on any operating system, supporting both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. While it has undergone testing on various OS platforms such as Windows and Linux, formal testing on MacOS has not been conducted due to limited resources. However, it is expected to work on MacOS as well. If you encounter any issues on MacOS or any other OS, your feedback and support are highly appreciated as it helps improve the project's compatibility.

Needed Modules (also on the requirements file):

You can install them using the requirements file that comes with WriterClassic.

linux dependencies

For Linux systems you might need to install the following dependencies through your distro's package manager:

  • python3-tk
  • python3-pil
  • python3-pil.imagetk

executable version

For the executable version of WriterClassic, you will need Windows 10 or later. While WriterClassic might work on older versions of Windows, I can only guarantee full compatibility and support for Windows 10 and later. Additionally, please note that the supported architectures for the executable version are x64, ia64, and amd64.

As WriterClassic is a one-man project, I also offer a portable version with the same features and functionalities as the installer version. The portable version provides the convenience of running WriterClassic directly from a portable storage device without the need for installation. It's a great option for users who prefer a portable and self-contained solution for their text editing needs.


NOTE: This documentation refers to WriterClassic v10.1.1+

WriterClassic is a great plain text editor that is simple, powerful and lightweight. It is a great alternative to Notepad or gedit, and it is made in Python by MF366. WriterClassic can run on any operating system with Python. Although it hasn't been tested on macOS, it is expected to work.

The software requires the installation of several modules, including Pillow, requests, and simple_webbrowser. Fortunately, the software comes with a requirements file that makes it easy to install these modules.

For those who prefer the executable version, the WriterClassic Setup Wizard is available. It only requires Windows 10 or later, although it might work on older versions of Windows.

If you have any questions or problems while using WriterClassic, there is a user guide available that explains all of its features and how to use them. The guide covers everything from basic text editing to more advanced features like plugins. It also includes frequently asked questions to help users resolve any issues they may encounter while using the software.


Python version

To obtain the Python version, follow these steps:

  • Get the latest release of WriterClassic on GitHub and extract the 7z file
  • Run the installation command for the required modules

  • # For Windows
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

    # For Linux and MacOS
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Run the Python file

  • # For Windows
    python WriterClassic.py

    # For Linux and MacOS
    python3 WriterClassic.py

    # For Linux and MacOS if previous approach didn't work
    python WriterClassic.py

WriterClassic is now installed on your device.

Executable version

To obtain the executable version, follow these steps instead:

  • Download the WriterClassic Setup Wizard from the official website
  • Run the installer and follow the instructions provided
  • Once the installation is complete, you can launch WriterClassic from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut (if you created one)

WriterClassic is now installed on your device and ready to use.

Text editing

In WriterClassic, you can effortlessly create, edit, and save plain text documents, just like in any regular plain text editor. The editor has a clean and distraction-free interface, ensuring that you can concentrate solely on your writing.

For all your fundamental file operations, simply head to the File menu, where you'll find a comprehensive array of options. Within the elegant grey/black border, you'll encounter the user-friendly editing interface.

Just give it a click, and you're all set to unleash your creativity and start crafting your content!


In WriterClassic, you have the flexibility to customize the appearance of the writing environment according to your preferences. You can easily tweak various aspects of the interface to create a writing space that aligns perfectly with your style and comfort.

  • Customizable Colors:
    With WriterClassic, you can change the background color and foreground color of the editor. This feature enables you to set your preferred color scheme, whether it's a calming dark mode for late-night writing sessions or a bright theme to stay energized during the day.
  • Font Size and Type:
    You are not bound to a single font or font size. WriterClassic offers a range of font styles and sizes to choose from. Whether you prefer a classic and professional font or a modern and creative one, you can easily customize the font settings to match your taste.
  • Resizable Window:
    Recognizing that everyone has different preferences for the writing space, WriterClassic allows you to customize the dimensions of the window. You can effortlessly resize the editor to fit the exact screen size you desire, ensuring a comfortable and immersive writing experience.
  • Themes from Official Repos:
    To make the process even more convenient, WriterClassic provides access to a collection of themes from official repositories. You can explore a diverse range of pre-designed themes, each carefully crafted to offer a unique ambiance. These themes can be applied with just a few clicks, saving you time and effort in creating a personalized look.

By offering such a versatile and user-friendly interface, WriterClassic empowers you to tailor your writing environment to suit your specific needs and preferences, allowing you to focus entirely on your creative process without any distractions. All these settings are available on the Appearance menu.


The Settings Menu in WriterClassic provides you with extensive customization options to tailor your writing environment precisely to your liking. Here are the key settings available for you to fine-tune your WriterClassic experience:

  • Language Selection:
    Choose from 14 supported languages to set your preferred language for the WriterClassic user interface and various language-related functionalities. Select the language that makes your writing experience more comfortable and intuitive.
  • Check for Updates on Startup:
    Enable this option to allow WriterClassic to check for new versions on startup. When activated, WriterClassic will notify you if a new version of the application is available. You can then choose to update the software manually, ensuring you have access to the latest features and improvements.
  • Linux Integration:
    (Linux users only) Generate a *.desktop file for seamless integration with your desktop environment. The *.desktop file allows you to access WriterClassic easily from your application menu, providing a more streamlined experience.
  • Window Lock:
    Prevent accidental window resizing by locking the WriterClassic window size. Once locked, the window dimensions remain fixed, ensuring that your preferred layout and work environment are maintained without unintentional changes.
  • Reset WriterClassic:
    Restore WriterClassic to its initial state by resetting all preferences and configurations. This option allows you to start your writing experience from scratch if needed, ensuring a clean slate for new projects or configurations.

The Settings Menu in WriterClassic empowers you with the freedom to customize the application to your unique needs and preferences. Explore these settings to create an optimal writing space that enhances your creativity and productivity. Whether it's adjusting language settings, receiving notifications about new updates, integrating with your Linux desktop, or ensuring a stable window size, WriterClassic offers the flexibility to make the writing environment truly your own.


Explore the Information menu to learn more about WriterClassic. This menu provides a hub of useful features and insights that you might find interesting:

  • Check for Updates:
    Ensure you're always on the latest version.
  • About Dialogue:
    Find out more about WriterClassic, its logo, and visit my website.
  • Support | Donate:
    Discover ways to support me and make a contribution.
  • Help:
    Get assistance whenever you need it.
  • GitHub Repository:
    Access the software's GitHub repository for collaborative development.
  • View Log File:
    Peek into the log file to see what's been happening.
  • Credits:
    Acknowledge the people who have contributed to WriterClassic.
  • Tips & Tricks [BETA]:
    Experiment with new Tips & Tricks for an enhanced experience.
  • Easter Egg:
    Enjoy a little surprise hidden within the software.

Check out the Information menu and see what catches your interest in WriterClassic.

Internet Features

In WriterClassic, I've designed a feature that allows users to seamlessly search online directly from the text editor itself. Even if your web browser isn't open, WriterClassic will take care of launching it for you. This capability is achieved using the simple_webbrowser tool, which I developed (MF366), in conjunction with Python's built-in webbrowser module.

What's more, besides just searching, you have the convenience of navigating directly to specific URLs. I've taken the initiative to incorporate various well-known search engines, music services, forums, and information sources right into WriterClassic:

The result is a WriterClassic that goes beyond the realm of being solely a text editor. It's a tool that empowers your online exploration, and it's all crafted by me. Feel free to experience the enhanced capabilities firsthand.

Default Plugins

WriterClassic comes with a selection of default plugins to enhance your experience (excluding those found in the Plugin Central).

Included in this package are:

  • Notes:
    Craft preliminary drafts before making changes to your main file.
  • Terminal Inputs [BETA]:
    While still under development, this feature lets you input a command, and WriterClassic will execute it for you. For instance, typing python3 or python will run it within a CMD/Terminal interface.
  • Signatures (Auto & Custom):
    Enhance your documents with signatures generated either automatically based on your OS user account's name (Auto) or custom ones that you've saved at config/signature.wclassic.
  • Wipe/Format File:
    Effortlessly cleans a selected file without permanently deleting it.

These plugins are seamlessly integrated into WriterClassic, enhancing your workflow with a range of convenient tools.

Custom Plugins

This is where WriterClassic becomes more complex.

The plugins are made in Python and must be placed inside the plugins/name_of_your_plugin/ folder.

Below is a guide on how to use Custom plugins, the installation feature and the Run a Plugin feature.

Using built-in plugin installation

This function gathers the official verified and accepted plugins from GitHub, downloads them and extracts them.

How do you use this function, you might be wondering? It’s simple. First go to Plugins, Install a Plugin and then you’ll see a dialog box asking you for an input.

Just type the name of the folder of the plugin you want to install.

This is the hardest part: you need to go to https://bit.ly/writerclassic-plugins. There, look at the folders. The name of the folder that has the plugin you want to install is what you need to type in the dialog box.

For example: if you wanted to use Norb’s GetHash plugin, you’d type Norb-GetHash, because that is the name of the folder where the plugin is.

After clicking OK, you’ll get prompted about which version of the plugin you’d like to install. For most cases, you’d want to go with the latest (which is also the default).

Running an already installed plugin

To run a plugin you have installed, follow this steps: <>go to the folder where you installed WriterClassic. This depends a lot on which version you have installed (Python/Portable/Setup). When you find the directory, go inside plugins and then you’ll see folder(s) named plugin_X where X is a integer.

The plugin you installed is on one of those folders. That X integer is the number of the plugin you want to run (let’s say the number is 6, for this example).

Now, the rest is easy.

Just go to Plugins, and click Run a Plugin. When a dialog box asks you for input, you must type the X number (in this example, 6).

Boom! It’s done!

Learn how to make your very own WriterClassic plugin here!

Developer options

Markdown Preview

Easily preview the Markdown file you're currently working on. WriterClassic will create a temporary HTML copy of your Markdown and open it for you. To use this feature, navigate to Developer and select Markdown Preview.

Note for Linux Users: In some cases, Linux users may encounter a PermissionError while attempting to open the temporary HTML file. In such situations, you can manually access it at writerclassic_path/temp.

Build and Run Your Code

Note: Although not explicitly labeled, this feature is currently in BETA. You can choose between C# or Python.

  • Build Code
  • To access the Build option, navigate to Developer. Under this menu, you'll find two options: Build Code and Run Code. For now, let's focus on Build Code.
    1. C# - Clicking on this option leverages Microsoft's .NET to automatically compile your C# code using the dotnet build command. Note that this applies only to saved *.cs or *.csproj files.


  • Run Code
  • Next, let's explore the Run Code option.
    1. C# - Similar to the Build option, this utilizes .NET. However, it runs the compiled code using dotnet run.
    2. Python - This option employs its own command (python path_to_the_file) to execute the Python code. Ensure the file is saved as *.py.